Tas holds a B.Sc. (Earth Science with 1st class hons), a B.Eng (hons) & a doctorate in mechanical engineering, all from the Uni of QLD.
He has been involved in the planning, design, & operation of power stations for over 20 years with the electricity industry in Qld. He has conducted geological assessments of new fuel supplies for power stations across Qld & has been involved with mining proposals, including the effects of geological factors on the cost, reliability & quality of the coal produced.
Tas has also been involved in the planning of a large hydro-electric development which required evaluation of geological conditions and their effect on dams, water reservoirs & underground power station structures.
Using his varied experience, Tas has developed a biblical geological model to connect geological structures in the field with biblical history. He has applied this geological model to the Great Artesian Basin in Australia, the basement rocks in Brisbane & the Banks Peninsula in NZ. He & other creationist geologists are now applying the model to other areas of the world.
Tas now works full-time for Creation Ministries International (CMI) in Brisbane, where he is employed as a researcher, writer and speaker. He has authored many articles in both Creation magazine and the Journal of Creation (formerly TJ).